5L-50L Automatyske kosmetika Laborremers Homogenizer lab Cream Lotion Zalf Homogenizer Mixer
Product Video Features 1. It adopts European classic tabletop structure, and brushed stainless steel is beautiful and generous. 2 De homogenizer wurdt oan 'e ûnderkant fan' e pot pleatst, de draaiende skaft is heul koart, en d'r sil gjin skodzje wêze. The material enters from the bottom of the pot, enters the pipe outside the pot through the homogenizer, and then returns to the liquid level from the top of the pot for external circulation, which can fully ensure that all materials have... -
Oanpaste Pot-beweegbere emulgator Homogenator Vacuum emulsifisearende mixer-kosmetyske make-masine foar crème lotion skincare
Production Video Product Introduction Vacuum emulsifying machine is an ideal option to produce high-grade skin care products, pharmacy ointment, and many other kinds of creams which need to be very soft and smooth. It hat de funksjes fan ferwaarming, mingjen, skrapjen, draaie op ferskate snelheden en fakuümferliening. It has a very wide application from cosmetics (skin cream, hair gel, lotion etc) and food (jam, chocolate, sauces etc.) to pharmacy (ointment, syrup, paste) and chemicals(p... -
GL Tel Generator Steam Boiler
Product Instruction GL electric generator is to boil water in the container by electric heating tube, thus cause steam and convey steam into steam cabinet. Neffens brânstof kinne steamers ferdield wurde yn elektryske steambookers, oalje ûntslein steambookers, gasferwûne steambooks, ensfh. According to the fuel supply mode, steam boilers can be divided into manual combustion steam boilers and fully automatic chain combustion steam boilers; Neffens de struktuer kin it ferdield wurde yn ... -
- Product Video Customer to the factory feeding video / production of toothpaste video Product Introduction This Machine produced by our company is widely used for manufacturing paste, ointment – like toothpaste, cosmetics, food and chemical industry. Wy kinne tandpasta mini grutte 50l dwaan, maks 5000l; Hjirûnder is basearre 2500L-ynstruksje: Wy hawwe Avansearre produksjechnology, en efterfolgje ynnovatyf yn produkten. Tagelyk hat de goede tsjinst de goede reput ferbettere ...
Sirkulearjende wetter koeling System Cooling Tower
Hege effektyf koelkapasiteit Semi-hermy-hermyske kompresje wetterkoelde skroefkamler
Kleurkosmetyske fakuüm fersprieding Mixer Hydraulic PLC Contrc
The equipment has the functions of fast cowl cutting, heating and cooling and vacuum defoaming, and has good homogenization emulsification effect , good hygienic conditions, high thermal efficiency, reliable electrical control, stable operation, convenient operation and maintenance, and labor intensity Inferior advantages. It is in ideale apparatuer foar it produsearjen fan crème, crème en huning kosmetika. It kin ek brûkt wurde yn 'e produksje fan materialen fan hege viskositeit yn it farmaseutyske, iten, en fyn gemyske yndustry.
Touch Screen Control Homogenator Vacuum Emulsifersifisearende mixer-kosmetyske make-masine foar crème Lotion Skincare Top Homogenizernision opsjoneel
Sina Ekato Vacuum Emulsifisearjende mixer is goed foar ferskillende soarten iten fan iten fan iten fan it iten fan iten. Adoppen de technology Technology Homogenizer, it is goed foar koarte guod de produksje tiid. Om te foldwaan oan 'e klanten nedich, jouwe Sina Ekato oanpast tsjinst oan, en kin de mixer oanpasse oan it fersyk fan klanten.
Elektroanyske kontrôle Top Homogenizer Bidirectional Mixing Vacuum Emulsivearje foar crème Lotion Skincare Cosmetyske masines
The machine is made up of pretreatment boiler (oil boiler, water boiler), vacuum emulsification blending boiler, vacuum pump, pouringout system, electric control system or steam heating system and workable. 5-2000l Vacuum emulsifisearjende masine foar kosmetika, crème, zalf, lotion, hûdsoarchprodukten ensfh.